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Exclusive popular-song resources, classroom music lessons, WCET, and digital learning tools for primary schools.

Flexible and Customisable
  • Easy-to-navigate interface
  • Functions brilliantly on any internet-connected device
  • Customisable Playlists, Class Collections, and Lessons
  • Use in class or online with no pupil login required
Interactive Songs and Resources
  • Over 500 beautiful arrangements of traditional and popular songs with professional recordings and videos
  • Song notation, lyrics-only, and movement videos
  • Recorder and Ukulele instructional resources
  • Interactive Digital Books for drumming, guitar, piano, and more
Instructional Support
  • Teaching Plans for individual songs
  • Flexible, song-based Lessons that are customisable
  • Create unlimited Playlists to organise resources and content
  • Easily share Playlists and Interactive Resources with pupils online

Sample Some of Our Songs

Click on a thumbnail to experience a song included in a MuseClass Primary subscription.